

Psychoanalysis Articles on Climate Psychology Alliance (CPA 2013)


Psycho-Social Articles on Climate Psychology Alliance (CPA 2013)


Jungian Articles on Climate Psychology Alliance (CPA 2013)


Cloud Atlas: Clouds are Alive With Life (Dodds 2013)


Animal Totems and Taboos: An Ecopsychoanalytic Perspective (Dodds 2012)


What is Ecopsychoanalysis? (Dodds and Jordan 2012)


Hurricane Sandy, the psychology of environmental trauma, and the unpreparedness of our mental health care systems (Dodds 2012)


Climate Change, Narcissism, Denial, Apocalypse (Stolorow 2012)

Approaching a State Shift in Earth’s Biosphere (Barnosky et al. 2012)


Why Science Education Won't Solve Our Climate Problems (Battistoni 2012)

Taboo, or not Taboo? (Dodds 2012)


Climate Crisis: Psychoanalysis and the Ecology of Ideas (chapter 1 from 'Psychoanalysis and Ecology at the Edge of Chaos', Dodds 2011)


Climate Change and the Apocalyptic Imagination (Paul Hoggett 2011)

The Becoming of Ecopsychoanalysis (Jordan 2011)


Félix Guattari and the Collective in La Borde. Notes for a conception of subjectivity behond the human", (Susana Calo, 2011)


Taking Counselling and Psychotherapy Outside: Destruction or Enrichment of the Therapeutic Frame? (Jordan & Marshall 2010)


Nature and Self - An Ambivalent Attachment (Jordan 2009)


Loss and Climate Change: The Cost of Parallel Narratives (Randall 2009)

Climate on the Couch (Rust 2008)


Ecotherapy: The Green Agenda for Mental Health (MIND 2007)


A New Climate for Psychotherapy (Randall 2005) 


Animals as Large Group Symbols (Volkan 2000)


Freud's Bestiary: Hows Does Psychoanalysis Treat Animals? (Genosko 1993)


Unconscious Processes in Relation to Environmental Crisis (Searles 1972)


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