Sunday, 29 March 2015

Psychotherapy in a Time of Global Warming, Judith Anderson, Climate Psychology Alliance

"To be a psychologically aware human being in society today means embracing the web of life and to know that with every breath we take we are dependent on the living system of our environment. It is no longer possible to separate psychology from ecology – or indeed from science. Systems theory scientists have made the links. Can psychotherapists?"  Judith Anderson: Psychotherapy in a Time of Global Warming, Climate Psychology Alliance

Monday, 23 March 2015

Psychoanalysis and Politics Conference in Barclona, March 2015

Thank you to everyone I met at the conference. It was really enjoyable and rich.

Ecopsychoanalysis in the United States this Spring: Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, New York

I will be presenting on the theme of 'Feeling the Heat...What is Ecopsychoanalysis? Psychoanalysis and Climate Change in the Three Ecologies' at several places in the United States this Spring. All those who are interested to hear more about my work and book and would like a chance to connect and discuss are welcome.

April 10th, Chicago. April 11th, Houston. April 13th, Atlanta. April 14th, New York

April 11th
Center for Psychoanalytic Studies, Houston,

April 13th,
Emory University, Center for Mind, Brain, and Culture, Atlanta,

April 14th,
State University of New York/Empire State College, New York,